Monday 9 June 2008

Sex And The City - Sex And The City Writer Wins First-look Film Deal

Michael Patrick King, the writer/director/producer of Sex and the City, has agreed a 'first-look' deal with DreamWorks studios.

With his feature directorial debut - based on the hit HBO series - having been released around the world this week, DreamWorks were eager to have the chance to snap up the rights for his next project.

And according to Variety, the new contract gives the studio first refusal on his next movie.

DreamWorks Studios co-chair and CEO Stacey Snider said the studio was attracted by the depth of King's writing, as shown through six seasons of Sex and the City and the spin-off film.

"[He] writes for audiences that are hungry for real characters and human stories," she explained.

King, an Emmy winner for his series about the lives and loves of four New York women, told the trade newspaper he is already working on his next film.

"It's a romantic comedy, but a deconstructed version," he said. "I want to write bigger stories about love and what it all means.

"The great thing about having your first movie be Sex and the City is the audience was accustomed to complicated storytelling," King added.

"Stacey and I had a great talk, and I'm going to show her the script and DreamWorks will have first jump at it."

Though disputes over pay caused a four-year gap between the end of Sex and the City's televised run and its big screen debut, King did not rule out the potential for a cinematic sequel.

"I wrote that movie with a beginning, middle and end because I didn't want to leave the audience unfulfilled," he said.

"The actresses are great, and if the gods smile and people are still interested, why not?"

30/05/2008 09:26:16

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